Cobra Kai: Who is Dan Johnson?
Dan Johnson Reference in Cobra Kai
Examining The “Dan Johnson” Comment in the Netflix Hit Show
Did you hear Robby say “Dan Johnson” in Season 2 of Cobra Kai and you wondered if you heard him correctly? You know your ‘80s, he must’ve meant “Don Johnson” you think.
But there are no ‘80s coincidences in Cobra Kai, so we break down what that reference could be all about.
Tanner Buchanan (Robby) laughs during a blooper scene in “Cobra Kai.”
Let’s Set the Stage for the “Dan Johnson” Comment
The high schoolers attend an ‘80s theme party at a skating rink (I’m envious), Robby and Sam, now ready to go public with their relationship, show up in their best “Pretty in Pink” attire: Sam in that dress (Andie’s homemade pink frock) and Robby as Steff (the James Spader character).
Sam says Robby should’ve dressed as Andrew McCarthy’s character (Blaine) “or at least Duckie.” ‘80s girls know exactly what this dialogue is about: in “Pretty in Pink” Andie (Molly Ringwald) is BFFs with Duckie (Jon Cryer), has a crush on Blaine, and can’t stand Steff. It would be like Hermione going to a party with Draco Malfoy. Ya just don’t do it. But at least they get points for coordinating, unlike Miguel and Tory.
Robby and Sam in their “Pretty in Pink” clothes, with Tory aka Madonna swooping in on the right.
Is It “Dan Johnson” or “Don Johnson?”
Later in the night when Robby is telling Sam that he has received compliments on his outfit he says “everyone thinks I’m some guy named Dan Johnson. You ever heard of him?” Right there us Gen-Xers are shouting at the screen “Don Johnson! DON!”
Sam says she hasn’t heard of Dan Johnson, and they keep skating…until Tory, dressed as Madonna, rolls up behind Sam and knocks her down. Things get worse from there.
But back to the ‘Dan Johnson’ comment. From Robby’s white suit, colorful shirt and hair, and the fact that it’s ‘80s night, it seems clear that people who are telling him he looks like ‘Dan Johnson’ are referring to ‘Don Johnson’ aka Sonny Crockett from “Miami Vice.”
Why The “Dan Johnson” Reference?
Is the Dan comment a playful jab at Don? Is it a dig at him, saying he’s not well-known enough for Gen-Z? The kids in Cobra Kai know Patrick Swayze, but not Sonny Crockett? Is it reminding the Gen-X viewers, of which there are presumably a lot, that in some areas of pop culture we’re just on our own? Is it saying all good looking guys dressed in white blazers and colorful shirts with slicked back hair look alike? Was Robby kicked in the head too much in karate and he heard the name wrong? Is there an insurance salesman named Dan Johnson, stuck in the ‘80s, wandering around Reseda and Encino? So many possibilities. Or not…
Don, not Dan, Johnson as Sonny in “Miami Vice.” You can see the resemblance to Robby’s “Stef” costume in “Cobra Kai.”
Final Thoughts on Dan Johnson
Dan Johnson is a playful poke at an actor who was huge in the ‘80s, whose character on Miami Vice started a fashion trend and who even dated Barbra Streisand (for reals!). Millennials and Gen Z can’t know every ‘80s star/TV show/movie.
Cobra Kai is a fun, nostalgic trip for Generation X, with Season 2 having even more nods to the ‘80s than Season 1. What about Season 3? Check out all of the ‘80s moments we found in Seasons 1, 2 and 3 here.
All of the funny moments from Johnny in Cobra Kai.