Who Was Duckie in ‘Pretty in Pink?’
Who is the Character Named Duckie?
Duckie is a pivotal character in the 1986 film “Pretty in Pink.” Best friends with Andie (Molly Ringwald) he can’t hid his love for her and is visibly upset when she is courted by the rich, and blah, Blaine.
What was Duckie’s Real Name?
Duckie only mentions his real name once in Pretty in Pink: Philip F. Dale. We don’t know why he goes by Duckie, but hey, such are nicknames (just ask my cats).
Who played the Character Duckie in Pretty in Pink?
Duckie was played by Jon Cryer, from “Two and a Half Men.” He doesn’t shy away from his Duckie persona, as recently as July 6 he mentioned his famous character on Twitter:
And yes, I’m cool with the Pretty in Pink-style noble sacrifice ending. But Duckie will always be #TeamKnives
I don’t get the reference (something “Scott Pilgrim” that I haven’t seen), but still, we can dig it.
In You Couldn’t Ignore Me if You Tried (the 2011 book from author Susannah Gora), Director Howard Deutch says he preferred Anthony Michael Hall for the role, but it was turned down.
More things we did not know about Duckie casting: Deutch later regretted casting Jon Cryer in the role and Molly Ringwald didn’t want Andie to end up with Duckie (the original ending) because he wasn’t Robert Downey Jr., the guy she wanted to play Duckie (according to Jon Cryer’s commentary on the 2006 DVD).
Whoa. The whole ending would’ve been different with different actors. Andie was going to end up with Duckie.
Duckie Reference in Cobra Kai
Cobra Kai is when ‘80s references meet modern day high school, so it was a given that there would be some John Hughes movie references at some point.
Sure enough, Robby and Sam dressed as “Pretty in Pink’s” Steff and Andie at the ‘80s-themed skating party. Sam tells Robby he should be Andrew McCarthy or at least Duckie. Her point is why would her character, Andie (Molly Ringwald), go with Steff (James Spader), the rich snob who was so horrible to her (but secretly liked her)?
(Some at the party didn’t understand who Robby was dressed as and called him Dan Johnson)
Robby and Sam dressed up as Steff and Andie from “Pretty in Pink”
Long Live Duckie
“Pretty in Pink” is yet another John Hughes movie we’ll be quoting, referencing and talking about for years, whether it’s that pink dress, Blaine’s hair, or Duckie’s style.
You can currently stream “Pretty in Pink” on Showtime, and Amazon.
What are your favorite Duckie moments from “Pretty in Pink?” And would you rather have Duckie as a boyfriend or a best friend?