The Say Anything Boombox Scene Explained

say anything boombox scene

Why Did John Cusack Hold Up a Boombox?

The boombox scene from Say Anything is one of the most iconic movie moments not just from the ‘80s, but from all of cinema. But why does Lloyd, John Cusack’s character, hold up the boombox? Lloyd holds up the Toshiba boombox to get the attention of Diane, and to let her know he cares.

What Song is Playing During the Boombox Scene?

“In Your Eyes” by Peter Gabriel is playing as Lloyd serenades via boombox. Writer, director Cameron Crowe told the Dan Patrick show that originally Fishbone’s Bonin’ in the Bone Yard was the song. While editing the movie Crowe realized the song didn’t work with the scene. You can watch Cameron Crowe here.

Where Was the Boombox Scene Filmed?

Say Anything is set in Seattle, but the scene where Lloyd holds up the boombox was filmed in Los Angeles.


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