Rick Springfield’s Jessie’s Girl Turns 40

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Jessie’s Girl Was Released in 1981

The song Gen-X girls sang into their makeshift microphone (a curling iron) while dancing around the bedroom is 40! Jessie’s Girl is now Jessie’s Woman.

Who Was Jessie’s Girl?

Jessie’s Girl was a young woman Rick Springfield took an art class with along with her boyfriend, Gary. Springfield didn’t know the woman, just admired her from afar. For melodic, or maybe legal, reasons “Gary’s Girl” was changed to “Jessie’s Girl.”

Where is Jessie’s Girl Now?

No one knows where Jessie’s Girl is because no one knows her real identity. Springfield has stated that he doesn’t think the real Jessie’s Girl knows that the song is about her. The Oprah Winfrey show tried to track her down, but without success. It remains one of rock’s musical mysteries.

Where is Gary?

One curious part of the story is where Gary is in all this. If you took a class with Rick Springfield who later confesses that his huge hit song was almost called “Gary’s Girl” wouldn’t you, Gary, take note?

Jessie’s Girl on the Charts

According to Wikipedia, “Jessie’s Girl” took time (19 weeks!) to climb the charts and once it did, stayed in the top position for 2 weeks. It was the number 5 song of 1981 according to Billboard. “Jessie’s Girl” was Springfield’s only number one hit, though that’s one more than Bruce Springsteen. Regardless how long the song was on any chart, “Jessie’s Girl” has staying power, an iconic pop song that transcends the 80s.


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