National Grandparents Day

What better day to recognize our favorite seniors in pop culture than on National Grandparents Day? And who better to get the honor than the grandparents who wouldn’t get out of bed in “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” (1971). Well, 3 out of the 4 of them wouldn’t get out of bed. Grandpa Joe happily danced and exclaimed his joy for his grandson’s good fortune (nabbing the elusive Golden Ticket).

Charlie’s Grandpa Joe (Jack Albertson) kicks up a slipper.

Charlie’s Grandpa Joe (Jack Albertson) kicks up a slipper.

Grandpa Joe accompanied Charlie on the trip to the Chocolate Factory, but was a bad influence! He encouraged Charlie to take a sip of the Fizzy Lifting Drink, which was a no-no. Sure, it was fun, they got to float to the ceiling, but they ticked off Wonka and risked the grand prize. Ooops.

Charlie and Grandpa Joe drink the Fizzy and get in trouble with Wonka.

Charlie and Grandpa Joe drink the Fizzy and get in trouble with Wonka.

When told by Wonka that last man standing Charlie wouldn’t get the factory after all due to the rules, Grandpa Joe yelled at him “What rules?!”, totally forgetting that Charlie signed a big document on the wall. With a quill. Huge feather. Seems like something you’d remember. In his defense, he had been lying in bed for many, many years.

“Good day sir!” Wonka not taking any of Grandpa Joe’s nonsense.

“Good day sir!” Wonka not taking any of Grandpa Joe’s nonsense.

Grandpa Joe, clearly not skilled in negotiating says, within earshot of Wonka “Come on, Charlie, let's get out of here. I'll get even with him if it's the last thing I'll ever do. If Slugworth wants a Gobstopper, he'll get one.”

“Come on, Charlie, let’s get out of here.”

“Come on, Charlie, let’s get out of here.”

Thankfully Charlie knows better, doesn’t take Gramp’s advice and turns in the Gobstopper to Wonka. Slugworth isn’t really Slugworth, but an informant for Wonka so it was a bit of a set-up to be honest.

Charlie turns in the Gobstopper to Wonka.

Charlie turns in the Gobstopper to Wonka.

Wonka is thrilled that Charlie isn’t like Grandpa Joe, and had the good sense to give Wonka the gobstopper. Essentially, Charlie is succeeding no thanks to Grandpa Joe.

Charlie, learning the scheming ways of adults.

Charlie, learning the scheming ways of adults.

Grandpa Joe and Charlie willingly go with Wonka into some sketchy looking flying thing and are told Charlie inherits the factory. The moral of the story, on this National Grandparents Day, is kids, go with your instinct, don’t listen to your Grandpa Joe who has no business accumen. Assume there are two-faced “Slugworths” and rich “entrepreneurs” looking to trip you up even in a fun situation like a candy factory. Basically, trust no one. Happy National Grandparents Day!

Willy Wonka takes Charie and Grandpa Joe up in a flying device that overlooks the town.

Willy Wonka takes Charie and Grandpa Joe up in a flying device that overlooks the town.


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