Why is Goose Called Goose in Top Gun?

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Fans of 1986’s hit film Top Gun know the names Maverick and Goose, the flying duo who are at the heart of the film. Maverick and Goose are names synonymous with ‘80s action flicks. But how did Goose get that name?

How Did Top Gun’s Goose Get His Nickname?

Top Gun’s Goose has the call sign Goose because of a backstory we’re not privy to as viewers; he had an incident where he made a mistake and was referred to as “Goose” as in “silly goose.” Anthony Edwards, who plays Goose, told EW in an interview that the name is based on a real life story of a pilot making a mistake, resulting in a water landing.

What Was Goose’s Actual Name in Top Gun?

Goose’s real name is Nick Bradshaw.


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