Did Andie Choose Duckie Over Blane in the Original Ending?
Was Andie Supposed to End Up With Duckie?
Yes, the original ending of Pretty in Pink had Andie and Duckie as a couple. This might come as a surprise to fans who think Andie and Blane were perfect for each other. Throughout the movie we see Duckie pining for Andie even as she obviously is interested in Blake. So it would be a bit of a surprise to see her choose Duckie.
Why Didn’t Andie End Up With Duckie?
You can thank (or blame) test audiences for why Duckie wasn’t victorious in winning Andie’s heart. Due to concerns from test audiences, the ending was changed to have Andie choose Blane instead, leaving Duckie heartbroken. Rumor has it that Molly Ringwald didn’t like the Andie-Duckie ending as well.
Who Was the Girl With Duckie at the End of Pretty in Pink?
Kristy Swanson, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, is the girl at the prom who makes eye contact with Duckie and it’s implied they leave together. She is credited as “Duckette".”