The ‘80s Girls Challenge Step 1
Identify the Fun
Before we get to the first challenge, let’s take a look at some possible roadblocks:
1) Grab a notebook or laptop
2) Go to a quiet place where no one can disrupt you
3) Answer these questions:
A fun memory I have is _______________
Another time I had a lot of fun ___________________
Someone I know who is a lot of fun __________________
What makes that person fun is ______________________
Would people describe me as fun _________________
Why or why not _______________________________
Am I having as much fun as I could be having __________________________
Can I identify anything that prevents me from having fun _________________________
Can I adjust these obstacles _________________________________
Knowing that travel is limited is there more I could be doing indoors that could be more fun ___________________
Of course we have to ask about the ‘80s:
Does ‘80s nostalgia make you happy ___________________________
Is there a specific ‘80s band or musician that brings happiness _______________________
Is there an ‘80s TV show or movie that makes you happy ____________________
Are there memories of the ‘80s that make you happy _______________________
4) Take a look at your answers. Is there any pattern? Anything that stands out as preventing you from enjoying life? We’re older, have more responsibilities (and aches and pains!) AND we’re in a pandemic. It takes a conscious effort to override the hurdles. Fun mindfulness.
Understanding your fun parameters can add more joy into your life. Your first challenge will be posted tomorrow. Bookmark this page. In the meantime look at your answers, identify obstacles and get ready to have some frickin’ fun!
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