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The ‘80s Girls 2021 Challenge

What is The ‘80s Girls 2021 Challenge?

The challenge is simple: have more fun.

That’s it. Fun!

We want to encourage people to be mindful of creating moments of joy in their life. There are actual benefits to having fun! Fun times could reduce stress, make you more active, increase your creativity and make you more social.

How Do I Join The ‘80s Girls 2021 Challenge?

1) Sign up for our newsletter to get monthly prompts on ways to have fun and be a part of the community.

An example of a fun prompt: Revisit something from your past that was fun. We’re instantly transported back to a roller rink with our favorite ‘80s music playing. Is it possible to recreate? Maybe, maybe not, but we can try!

If you’re shy, no worries. You can share as little or as much as you want about your fun.

2) Make a pledge that you’re ready to have more fun. Read more about how to identify your fun roadblocks here.

3) Each month we’ll post the challenge on social media, on this site and in an email. Ongoing updates will be on Instagram.

4) We want you to post on social media to encourage others to have more fun. Having fun is contagious! And that’s how we build our ‘80s Girls Fun Community.

4) Use #80sGirls and tag us so we can see your posts and follow you! Follow us on social media:
We’re on Instagram here

Facebook here

Twitter here

5) Stay tuned for The ‘80s Girls 2021 Challenge contests and giveaways

6) We’re looking forward to in person events (CONCERTS!) that will be very much part of the fun.

More fun updates soon!